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Early Morning Taiji

Temple Complex, Wudang Mountains December 1999
Temple Complex, Wudang Mountains December 1999

This class is for those who want an alternative early morning workout. I’m teaching a “small room” set from traditional Yang style taiji along with some full body stretches and balance exercises for taiji footwork.

Taiji has an outward appearance that is generally slow and relaxed; inwardly strong and flexible. But it can also be prompt and quick.

The movements of taiji require holding strength in the legs, a well-developed waist, a flexible body, and a strong core – among other things.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7:00 am Taiji Taiji Taiji

All times are US Eastern.

These classes are recorded are available for later viewing via our YouTube channel. Each class lasts about 30 minutes.

If you’d like to register for this class, it’s free. Registration is required for questions.

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